The guys were all busy replacing ropes and steel and my friend had been off buying paint. Now........ the paint could be an issue. He was quite clearly told turquoise paint...... it is not turquoise! He brought back two colours that he said were blue turquoise and green turquoise. Now I can go with that, turquoise can be blueish or greenish. But they are definitely blue and green! But the green one is actually very nice and will look good with the cream paintwork. However, I insisted on being there when the painter arrived so that I could be absolutely sure that my colour scheme was being strictly adhered to. After all this is Egypt, and the catch phrase is “inshallah”.
The following day Spirit had been moved yet again from her moorings and was nestling under the cornice by the side of Kebabgy Restaurant.

Fortunately, the colour was perfect, kind of a light sandy colour, a creamy yellow is probably the best way to describe it. Nice. Oh, I also decided on my prow logo, I am using one of the Seichem symbols that means Shining, Everlasting, Living Waters of Ra! Perfect! It is now painted beneath the Eye of Horus that protects most of the feluccas. A crystal given to me by a good friend in the UK is also sewn into the sail . Add all that to the verse from the Koran for protection, and I think my boat will be the most spiritual and best protected boat in the world!
What is it about chintz here? I needed fabric for the cushion covers and the sun tent. Everywhere we went........ chintz, chintz and more chintz. It doesn’t exactly fit with my idea for the boat. But I did eventually find some nice fabric, couldn’t find plain, but at least its not chintz! My poor friend was despatched with me to carry my purchases.... shopping is his worst nightmare at the best of times, but shopping for fabric with an English woman was sheer hell for him! He did, however, find some nice fabric in a nice shade of turquoise....... very nice until I pointed out the Winnie the Poohs all over it! The boat was finally finished from a painting point of view. It just needs a few days to completely dry out and then they can start putting all the masts etc back in place.
Finally the main mast was put back in and and it was the turn of the lovely man who would paint the name for me. He was ancient and his hand was trembling so much I have no idea how he ever managed to paint a straight line, but it all turned out brilliantly and I am really pleased with the end result.
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